Come A Casa – Bed & Breakfast Ferrara Centro Storico


Welcome !!! … make yourself comfortable and relax before unpacking your bags: in the “Cestino delle Bontà” you will find something to eat and something cool to drink in the fridge. I thought this could be the best way to make you feel "Come A Casa".

The breakfast is included and in the house everything is at your disposal:




Free time

Comfort and safety

Ferrara, city of bicycles...

Bicycles: the bikes are available as a paid service (8 euros per day per bike) for the entire duration of your stay, you can ask me for as many as you like (you can call the number you will find on the bike or call me directly).
I recommend that you always close them with the chain that is supplied… Ferrara is the city of bicycles but it is also the city of bicycle thieves… and we mustn't make life easy for them!

Behind every detail there is a lot of care and attention designed for you, certain that you will be able to appreciate.


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